Support of Alliance Business
alliance business - service
We provide a total support to the companies who are wishing in entering into technological agreements, licensing manufacturing agreements or OEM business with Japanese companies.
Outline of Service Support
We provide support to companies considering forming partnerships with Japanese companies with the objective of sharing unique technology, licensing, or Original Equipment's Manufacturing (OEM) by locating companies in Japan with the capacity of satisfying your needs. We will also take on the responsibility of all related operations.
Support Service Scheme
Scheme Alliance
Contents of Service Support
- Research
- List the potential partners
- Corporate Outline of the potential partners
- Acquisition of the information of relative technology/merchandise sample
- Analysis/Evaluation of the potential partners
- Technologies /Merchandise offered
- Transaction conditions offered
- Activity of the potential partners (the company organization, technical development, sales, production and also quality control etc.)
- Proposal to the plan
- Conditions of the alliance business
- Conditions of the transaction conditions (scheme, ordering/shipment, payment)
- Planning of sale, procurement of OEM transaction
- Preparation of the offer related documents in Japanese
- Company's profile
- Information of offered technology/product
- Transaction conditions
- Offer letter
- Negotiation with the potential partners
- Negotiation on alliance business, OEM sales, OEM procurement with the prospects and choice of the partner
- Guidance and Services provided in conformity with the representative agreement
- Conclusion of the transaction contract with the partner
- Check on the related laws and Acquisition of the necessary authorization of the law
- Follow-up the transaction execution with the partner
- Guidance regarding the import and export procedure