Service to Online Shop Operation in Japan
Online Shop - service
We provide a total support to the companies who are wishing to sell own products on online store in Japan.
Outline of Service Support
An online sales is also as one of the initial marketing measures put into practice with the minimized budget for entering into the Japanese market. We provide our support to create an efficient online store for selling of the products in Japan, not only to end-consumers but also for promoting the sales to distributor/wholesalers. We will also take on the responsibility of all transaction operations in Japan as Client's representative.
Support Service Scheme
Online Shop in Japan
Delivery Flow
Lower cost and more efficient method than individual delivery
- Air transportation of one bundled cargo to multiple customers
Lower cost and more efficient method than individual delivery
- Air transportation of one bundled cargo to multiple customers
Contents of Service Support
We provide following services backed by practical and highly-specialized know-how.
- To build shopping web site in Japanese language for receiving inquiries from customers in Japan.
- Translate the contents of all necessary pages (company's profile and product information etc.) of client's web site into Japanese language.
- Create the web site (HTML) in Japanese language.
- with the complete functional shopping cart for taking and processing online orders.
- with the selling price in JPY at the online shop for Japanese customers. - Up loading & publishing the web site to rental server.
with the new domain for managing the better results in search engines by the Japanese keywords.
- To manage the online sales operation in Japan.
- Process of order confirmation to client
Forward the order detail of online customers by e-mail to client enable to deliver the goods directly to the customers in Japan. - Process of settlement of payment to client
- The payment received from the customer is deposited as client's fund.
- Give a periodical report on the deposit made.
- Upon client's request, transfer client's fund deposited to client own account.
- To act the communication center between the customers in Japan
Give the answers in Japanese to the customers in Japan on delivery status, commercial matters, questions on the product specification, and technical service matters etc.
- Manage and update the web site.
- To promote the sales to the distributor/wholesaler prospects as client's representative in Japan (by separate agreement)
in view of the construction of the sale networks through the distributor/wholesaler, to promote the sales to the prospects.
- To act the after sales center in Japan as client's representative (by separate agreement)